Monday, July 1, 2013

Simple skirt tutorial

I want to start out by saying I'm in NO way an expert. I'm sure others have better ways of doing what I do. This is just one way to do it.  I would love any tips to make my sewing life easier if you have some! 

Well with that said lets dive right in!

You will first need 3 pieces of cut fabric, a piece of elastic and any embellishments you would like to add on. I'm doing a size 6T skirt here but you could easily size it up or down. 

Cut three pieces of fabric 

Waist band 3x41"
Main skirt panel 11x 41"
Trim band 6x41"
The "1 inch elastic cut to 19.5"

Add or take off one inch for each measurement depending on if u want to size up or down. I suggest you measure to get the best fit. 

Take your trim band fold it in half length ways. Press and fold it in half and sew the side seam together @ 5/8" seam  

(Please excuse my lack of manicure my two year old "painted" my fingernails and they haven't been the same since;)

Trim up seam down to 1/4" and zig zag stitch back over it so edges don't Frey (or use your serger if you have one)

It's hard to see but I used the upper setting zig zag stitch. 

Now press it down to whatever side it wants to lay.

Now take the skirt panel with right sides together width wise, sew up the side seam and zig zag or serge. Press out seams.

(Hey at least my toes are freshly painted;) 
Now with right sides togeather pin on trim band to skirt panel.

Sew them together with a 5/8" seam.Trim down zig zag or serge to close seams. 

Press out and top stitch.

Fold waist band in half length wise and press. Fold width wise and pin to top skirt panel. Sew it just as u did for trim band leave an opening to feed the elastic through. Press out. 

Place a safety pin on the end of the elastic and feed it through. Sew tail ends of elastic together and close opening. 
 I added a little shear ribbon and a flower to top it off. 

Here is the same skirt in a different size and print. I like that the top and bottom of this are a different pattern than the middle pattern. This watermelon skirt is in my etsy store too ;) with the hand bag and head band as a set. I'm having a HUGE sale in the etsy store to clear out for new stuff I'm excited to get to work with some new fabrics soon. I got bulk of many of my fabrics when Joann's was going out of business here and man that was a blessing but I'm ready to get my hands on some fabrics that really inspire me. 


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