Monday, May 6, 2013

Isn't it great that God meets us right where we are.
That we don't need to "get right" before we come to Him.
You can be the lowest of low and He will still lift your head up.
It amazes me actually when I think about it. He didn't have to send His Son and cover our
sin's but He loves us that much.
I find it interesting that the Greek word Repentance is Metanoia meaning actually
change of mind and heart.
Many people think it is this beating of the breast crying out to God Repentance. Images like this one I found on the Internet only scare people further away from God. REPENT! REPENT NOW! OR GOD WILL HIT YOU WITH A LIGHTENING BOLT FROM THE SKY!!! This is what I found when I searched repentance on google.
 It is Simply a Change
of mind and heart.
A change that the one who loves you has covered you. With the blood of His beloved Son.
John 1:17
For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.