Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ideas for Rainy day fun.
We have had some dry weather here and some nice warm days full of outside play. The last two days have been pretty rainy though so I picked my brain on how to conquer the rainy day blues. After the winter we have had I have no desire to keep the house shut for more than 24 hours.
 C and I propped open the door and put a towel over the threshold to catch all the muck.
She could go in and out at free will touch and watch the rain without getting sopping wet. Chalk in the rain makes great paint. So we painted the ground played toys out the door and made rainbow foot prints in the chalk.

We got some bowls and watched the rain water fill them up.

we added some food color and she ran out the door squealing as she rushed to "fill up" her baby pool with her green rain water.

We sat in the doorway and blew bubbles although they didnt go far.
and shook off our rainy day blues.

Take that RAIN!!! Ha!

 Check out my Etsy


  1. What a fun mama you are! Looks like a wonderful day! Eagerly awaiting your line of 5T's!

    1. Thanks for checking out my blog Sarah! I will be working on that soon working my way up the size chart lol.

  2. Tab, this blog is awesome. I said it before, and I'm sayin' it again: its truly amazing to see little Chloe growing right before my eyes, through your photos. You guys make me feel like part of your long-distance family. You have to figure out how to add my blog as part of your subscriber list. Apparently, I'm not smart enough to figure it out. Keep the posts coming, sister.

    1. Thanks Ennis you are like Family to us too. I was just telling Jeri tonight after you posted on his post how I wish you and your family lived closer and went to the same church!
