Friday, March 17, 2017

Space themed Sunday school lesson

Even the stars praise his name psalms 148

     This week we are looking at creation from space! When I think about the vast unknown expanses of space and the amazing stars and planets I can't help but be in total awe.


I know I am not the first person to have my breath taken away by the universe our amazing Father has created. 

Many astronauts have felt moved by our creator while in space.Astronaut Frank Borman looked down on the earth 250,000 miles away and quoted Genesis stating he had an enormous feeling that there was a God and there was a beginning

Another astronaut James Irwin later became a preacher his experience with God was so powerful. 

Astronaut Guy gardener frequently speaks to churches on the reality of God. 

Neil Armstrong had a deep experience as well and even took communion while in space. 

Then there is John Glen who stated "To look out at this kind of creation and not believe in God is to me impossible." There are many more and it's no surprise. I can't  imagine it not being a very strong feeling of the Lord all around you. 

I found this awesome clip from Louie Giglios Stars and whales sermon. If you have the time (make the time!) listen to his full sermon it's amazing. This little clip though was just enough wow factor without going to far over the children's heads.

The LORD merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born.psalms 33:6

That coupled by these amazing visuals takes my breath away.



Our king is a star breather. 

“In the beginning God ( Elohim) created [by forming from nothing] the heavens and the earth.”

‭‭GENESIS‬ ‭1:1‬ ‭AMP‬‬

We spoke of creation Adam and Eve and touched lightly on the fall. Fellowshiping with our wonderful Lord. 

As for our craft I wanted something that the children could take home and remember how powerful God is and what beauty He created for them. I thought thes galaxy or nebula jars would work nicely. 


We tried so many different methods throughout the week. The green one we used cotton balls and water and food color. The baby food jar is diaper fluff and paint and food color and the mason jar is our "sun" it's also diaper fluff and water food color and glitter. 

You can do lots of variations and get many different effects. 

I printed out some thumbnails of some scripture to put on their jars andddd didn't get a chance to put them on of course. 


To make the "fluff" to go inside the jars we took clean diapers and soaked them with two cups of water. Then opened up the diaper and poured out all the cotton and gel. I used about 4 diapers and that filled 10 jars with plenty left over. 

The kids enjoyed working with it. We had a couple children that made three jars each. 

They put about three tablespoons worth of fluff  added dye and glitter and a little more water and then kept layering fluff, a couple drops of dye, glitter, then another tablespoon of water. Stiring each layer inbetween with a chopstick. But not to vigorously as we wanted a separation of color. 

I would definitely do this craft again. I had a class of 2-11 year olds and it was fun for everyone. 

Unfortunately I didn't get to photograph all of them but here are a few my children did. 


Thanks for stopping by and looking at our Sunday school class. Have a blessed day. 


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